Sunday, May 10, 2020


You Need a Cup Bearer

Text: Genesis 41: 8-14

Ministration: A wise man said, " Your network is directly proportional to your net worth." Every thing in this life actually reproduces on the basis of relationship. Relationship is a currency or a stream of income.

Who likes you in this life matters because men are lifted through men. Many of us are talented but we lack a cup bearer to tell the king that there is a Joseph that can interpret dreams.
Joseph built a positive relationship with the cup bearer in the prison. For that he was remembered and recommended by the cup bearer and his life changed for the better.

Who you know matters a lot in this life. Avoid despising men in this life based on the standard you use to judge them.

Sometimes those who crown kings don't look like kings and may never become kings but they can help you wear the crown. They are 'the king makers'.

PRAYER: God help me not to despise men around me but to regard, respect and appreciate them, building up every positive relationship in your grace.

Your friend,
Kelvin Nwobodo
(God's Servant)