DEFINATION OF ALTAR: A place of sacrifices or a place to meet with God. Whenever the Israelites wanted to meet with God is some times through sacrifices.
As Christians we have sacrifices to make unto the Lord.
The sacrifice are: -
1. To use our money for sacrifice (Matt 5:2-24) Remember Abel and Cain Gen 4: 1-4
2. To make sacrifice unto the Lord with our prayer. 1 Thess. 5:17; to make sacrifice unto the Lord in the olden days are to seek the face of God and we can only seek for the face of God today with our prayer.
3. To offer sacrifice unto God with our thanksgiving Ps. 50; 14-15; 1 Thess. 5:18; Gen.8: 18-22: 1-16 Heb.13-15
4. An altar in the Old Testament stands for the benefit of the sacrifices, but in Christianity today it stands for the benefits of the death of Christ. Because where Christ was crucified can be compared as an altar. As well as being a p lace to meet god.
5. It was a place of refuge in the olden days 1 King 1:50-53; Today Jesus is our place of refuge Ps 46; 1, 62; 5 6; Matthew 23:37 –38; John 15:5; Take note.
6. A place of refuge may not be anymore if we fail to do the will of God. 1 king 2:28-29; Matt 7:21.
REPAIRING THE ALTER OF THE LORD: - Now according to what we’ve known the alter, a place o sacrifice, a place of worship, a place only where we should gather together to worship God- which is the house of God. Which means: - it is our duty today to repair house of God. Matt 21:12-13; MK 11:15-17 LK. 45-46
1. The physical building where we meet to worship god the house in which we gather together. Matt 21:12-13; Ps 84;14-10.
a. We must always participate in the building of the house of God., you must use yourself as an example. Gal. 6:7-9: II Cor. 9:6-7: Prov. 3:9, some use to steal the money donated for the building of God’s house instead of participating in donating.
b. Make it clean always Deaut.23; 12-14.
c. You must be seeking for its goodness. Ps 122:9.
2. The house in which God lives 1 Cor 3:9ii Cor 6:14-16. Acts 7:48-49
a. We are to take care of the people of God. I Pet 5:1-4, You are not to destroy them. Gal 6:1 be merciful
b. Love them more than their money I Cor 13:13 I Jn 3:11-16: 4:17-21.
c. Seek always for their peace. Heb:1:4.
d. Pray for their upholding, protection, peace e.g.
e. Have a sympathetic mind with them. There are many places where we read about those whom Jesus had compassion with. Luke 7:11-13.
APPLICATION: - Do you take care of the Church of God today? Do you have any compassion on them when enemies arise against them? Do you rebuke their sins and try to bring them back into their normal position when they offend God. Always have mercy on God’s Church. Some Churches are almost destroyed by the enemies so called agents of Satan showing themselves as ministers of God the sheep of God. II Cor 11:14-15
With fervent prayer Rom 12:12 I These 5:17.
The real word of God Ps119: 9: Heb 4:12
To keep away your face from their possession!! King 5:15-16
To rely on Christ Jer 17:5-8
To quit sin because you may be trapped. Heb. 12:4 Jn. 9:31 Ps 66:18Don’t follow people’s advice. Let God leads you Rom 8:14 Micah 7:5 you may be led astray by the supporters of the wicked people. Acting like when the are your friends.
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